Not all of our member schools use the same application process, but you can begin the process by selecting your school below and either filling out the form or following the directions noted on your university's page. Then speak to your faculty CHIP representative. In most cases you will also need to give your faculty CHIP rep the following:
1. A check or money order of $250 for the deposit fee. This will be applied to the housing fee, is non-refundable, and is required before the internship search process can begin. Please make checks payable to the United Methodist College Washington Consortium.
2. A current academic transcript from your college.
3. A current resume.
4. A three to five page writing sample.
5. A recommendation letter from a faculty member to use during your internship search.
6. A completed application form (completed online by selecting your school below).

Be a junior or senior with a 3.0 GPA and in good academic standing in any academic major at one of the participating colleges. Sophomores may be considered under special circumstances. Written approval from your college faculty representative.

Spring and Fall semesters, register at your college for one full semester of academic credit, and pay tuition to your college or university.
For the January Term, register at your campus.
Each college has a representative of the United Methodist College Washington Consortium to help you through the application process.
Your faculty representative will review your application materials, and send them to:
Robert Walter
Dean & Executive Director
United Methodist College Washington Consortium
P.O. Box 333
Centreville, VA 20122